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What is Brainfire?

Learn 4 Times Faster With Total Recall!

Brainfire is software to create and deliver a radically new kind of learning.  Brainfire enables students to learn new information four times faster and to remember 100% of what they have learned -- long-term!


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Brainfire Maintains Your Knowledge

Brainfire introduces a breakthrough, new educational paradigm.  Instead of today's course-based, teach and test approach, Brainfire is a knowledge acquisition and maintenance system (KAMS).  The learning doesn’t end when a "course" is finished.  Students work with Brainfire on an ongoing basis to acquire new knowledge and to strengthen their memory and understanding of ideas previously learned.


What Kind of Learning
Can Brainfire Accelerate?


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6 Radical Breakthroughs

Below are 6 reasons that the Brainfire Courseware Authoring System enables Radical Learning:


Brainfire enables students to learn 4 times faster using Spaced Active Recall.  This powerful approach leverages our knowledge of the neurobiology of memory to teach the way the brain learns.


Brainfire is the world’s first knowledge-based authoring system.  SMEs enter facts and ideas and then questions and student interactions are automatically generated using Natural Language Processing.

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Augmented reality, 3D gestures, speech recognition, and a wide variety of standard and domain-specific screen-based interaction types. 

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Instead of "courses", students learn across subject boundaries daily.  Brainfire schedules recall of ideas previously learned and introduces new ideas from the pool of topics each student wants to learn.  


Brainfire tracks how well each student currently knows each individual idea.  This has never been possible before and enables organizations to precisely match a student’s knowledge with specific requirements.


Brainfire runs full speed offline, on Windows, MAC, and Linux computers, and on iPhone, Android, and Windows phones and tablets.  When online, data is seamlessly synced across devices via the cloud.



Develop eLearning Content 

If you are interested in developing eLearning content that enables students to learn 4X faster with total recall, please contact us! 


The team at Brainfire LLC will use our breakthrough Knowledgebase Authoring System to capture the Ideas that you want your students or employees to master.  Brainfire will automatically generate Interactions that enable students to rapidly encode, master, and maintain total recall of these Ideas.


Brainfire packages Ideas into Radical Learning Packs delivered directly to students via Brainfire's Learning Engine -- which students can download for free.  Brainfire's Learning Engine is also compatible with xAPI and cmi5 for advanced integration with most LMS systems.


Brainfire LLC is forming Joint Ventures to create and market Radical Learning Packs that enhance existing online videos and books.  We are also forming Partnerships with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to create Radical Learning Packs for entirely new content.

Investors Wanted

Those interested in investing are encouraged to contact Mark Patterson:

Mark Patterson, President


Mobile: +1 430 422-5484

Home Office

Brainfire LLC

+1 430 422-5484

1503 West Bond Street

Denison, TX  75020

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© 2020 by Brainfire LLC 

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